SSFCU Mobile Application Start:

Exploring some flows for opening an account through the SSFCU mobile app.

The Problem:

Many financial institutions(FI) offer the ability to open an account through their mobile app in under 10 minutes.

How might we empower our users/members by giving them the ability to open an account through the mobile app in minutes?


  • Work with the product owner team to gather research from a competitive analysis of other FI's applications
  • Build out lo-fi prototypes for testing and discussion.

My Role:

UX/UI Designer

Timeline: ~1 month

Tools Used:

Figma, Google, Curinos


I took a look at some screenshots and data pulled by our product owner team on some other FI's mobile applications.

I was asking the following questions while analzying:

  • How many taps/clicks does it take to reach a member application?
  • Where and at what level is the member application within their app?
  • How does it integrate with the FI's website?


Each FI had their own different way of organizing, and placing their member application. I decided to explore some interactive flows currently on the SSFCU website. Something that would be familiar to our existing members and be cohesive with o


I built out 2 different flows based on different interactive components on the website or with the mobile application.

I presented the 3 flows in the form of clickable prototypes amongst my team and stakeholders.

Lets talk about your next project!