User Test Findings: Origination

Origination as it pertains to Security Service Federal Credit Union (SSFCU) - is the process of converting a non-member of the credit union into a member.

It consists of an application to field the potential member for candidacy. The member will select an option that applies to them. Based on choice made, the member is either qualified or lead to alternate contact methods to find another way to qualify.

The Problem:

The online banking origination process has steps within its userflow that are confusing to users and are causing potential new members to drop out of the sign-up process.

How might we iterate the current process so that our new users have a more seemless and delightful experience?


  • Generate prototype versions with variations in userflows base on feature ideation
  • Generate an A/B testing environment for our prototype versions.
  • Create user test tasks and a user frame-of-mind.
  • Launch A/B test on live testers
  • Analyze recorded footage and user feedback to gather data.

My Role:

UX researcher

Timeline: ~3-4 hours

Tools Used:, Otter.AI, Azure

Project Goals

Test product concept with target audience

What would give our new users the most seamless experience possible when applying to become a member of SSFCU?

Reveal friction points and confusing experiences

Where are the roadblocks occuring that are causing pain points for our users?

Identify most effective user flow for our members

Which version will remedy user pain points and provide the clearest experience for our members?


Outreach and Screening - Testers were found and screened through

Screening Criteria:

  • Any gender
  • Age range: 21-80 years of age
  • Any income
  • Any education level
  • Any employment level
  • Any relationship status
  • Any parental status
  • Any community type
  • Any technical usage level

Testing Setup and Post-Test Questions:

You are a Texas resident, and you would like to apply for a checking account with Security Service Federal Credit Union. You go to their website and get to this page to start the online application process.
  • What would you click to open an account?
  • Open a checking account as a nonmember
  • Go through the application process as a Texas redisident.
  • Restart the process, for option 2
  • Which of the two application experiences was better?
  • What did you prefer about that experience?
  • What aspects of the experience could be improved?
  • Was there anything unclear that you encountered in the application?


"Which version did you find to be faster?"

Martina R. - The first version because there was one less step to complete

Melissa D. - I felt the first version was "faster" because there was only one screen to engage with. Whereas the second version had two screens (pre-screener question and the application screen). However, I preferred the second version because I liked the pre-qualification type screen PRIOR to beginning the application process. The first version was faster though.

Benny T. - The second was faster, easier and comforatable. It was like holding my hand all the way through it and intuitive.

Antonio M. - The 1st one as it didn't include a further question before filling in the form.

Lets talk about your next project!


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